Monday, July 27, 2009

The usurper proves The Peter Principle

The current occupant of the White House is many things but first and foremost he is an elitist. He gets to whine and complain all the while acting intellectual without an original thought. His life experience validates his lofty impression of himself.

Simply put, he offers nothing new and is below average intelligence yet because of The Peter Principle has risen to the highest levels. Since his limited intellect does not allow for introspection or self-actualization the glass house he lives in must continually be polished by endless verbal dribble and self-aggrandizement.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A nation of law or men?

It has often been said that there are only two types of nations, one of law or one of men. A nation of law expects the same from everyone; rich and poor, powerful and weak. A nation of men expects nothing but craven self interest and thrives on the friction caused by it.

Obummer, leftists (and obots of course) desire a nation of men because they embrace the base emotions of mankind instead of the self discipline required for a nation of law.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The road will not be easy because the stakes are high

A usurper is a loathsome creature; he and his enablers deserve nothing but ouster, disdain and prison or a firing squad.

I am an honorably discharged veteran:

To my brothers in service.

It is your duty to ignore and/or combat unlawful orders. Any order from a usurper is unlawful. Not only must you challenge his orders, to obey them is illegal and is a break from the oath you gave to the constitution and the republic.

Once again, your duty is not to one man or the office of the president it is to the constitution. If your word is worth anything you must not obey unlawful orders. Anything official form the current occupant of the White House is a criminal act and therefore unlawful.

Do not forsake this country or your oath for politics, comfort or peer pressure. The road will not be easy because the stakes are too high; nevertheless your duty is clear.

Thank you for your service, Semper Fi.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From Churchill: A lesson worth remembering

"If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

The Question is where on that timeline are we? Farther down it than is healthy, that is for sure!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Despots do what despots do

The Fraud wants a "civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded as the United States military".

What kind of person embraces an idea like that?

A despot.

It's a BAD IDEA that only a despot would embrace.

I can think of no example of liberty loving people desiring to have such a "force" at their disposal like the one proposed by the usurper.

He essentially wants an army with their guns pointed in toward the citizens of the United States. Does that really sound like a good idea?

So if someone is evil enough to desire that much power and control over others why would he not lie to get what he wants? Other like-minded despots were/are liars, cheats and murderers. Common traits with their type.

Is this really that hard to grasp?

Who is this person?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No one is responsible and no one can bring charges

So let me get this straight: In a land with a government for, of and by the people the people have no standing in court with regard to a candidate's/president's eligibility?

I would make a lousy judge because I would be unable to make something so simple so complicated.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

While we toiled the enemies of freedom have been busy

I guess I am still coming out of the haze of disbelief and being confronted with reality.

I know now that most of the people we have sent to federal, state and local government are bent on changing this country to the degree that it will be unrecognizable to me if I live 10 more years. My children will not know the freedoms that I have known. Their children will know some sort of Kafkaesque Soviet style world at best and a radical Muslim theocracy at worst.

Am I just being paranoid or are the Muslims/Chinese/Russians/Mexicans/American Political and elite class/Globalists/United Nations out to get us?