Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tom Clancy and Charles Dickens could not have come up with a more intriguing plot.

I have wondered, Why him? Why Now?

If I could objectively just watch this play out it would be fascinating. Tom Clancy in collaboration with Charles Dickens could not have come up with a more intriguing plot.

The usurpation of the US presidency by a numb-skull poser with a dark past who moves rapidly to destroy the last vestiges of liberty from the USA, and thereby the globe.

All of this on the heals of an orchestrated financial meltdown of global proportions after making half of the western world feel guilty for even existing via the global warming hoax. Add in the global threat of Islamo-fascisim that the self-loathing-metrosexual people of the west think they can appease in true Neville Chamberlain

Of course there is the arch villain, who happens to look and act like an arch villain, George Soros, the puppet master of the man-child usurper. The hundred years machinations of the global leftists aligned with the religion of death personified in the poser-in-chief. To round out the plot the government-media-complex is either in on it or silent in fear.


Allowing it to continue is very dangerous though. For evil not to triumph we, those that have read history and have learned from it, need to be resourceful and unpredictable. We need to write the ending to this story so we can write an accurate history for future generations to learn from.

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